
Feeling good starts with where you stand.
We mean that in every way. From the physical to the principle, it all affects how you feel.
We’re a team of mostly busy folks. Often travelling, walking, working, waiting, bustling, and always on our feet. But we’re constantly left brokenhearted when favorite pairs of shoes just can’t keep up – they look great, yet we’re left with tired feet and sad knees. We were begging for stylish comfort.
We set out to make shoes that do comfort like we dreamed. A beautiful everyday shoe that pairs with every outfit (the mark of a true favorite), built for real comfort and long, long wearing.
So, we’ve spent most of 2 years designing and redesigning, searching and testing materials, never sacrificing comfort, never sacrificing style, never at the expense of poor labor conditions, and never at the cost of our precious planet.
The themes that bind our team are always about feeling good, looking good, and doing good.
We believe that happy, healthy people inspire happy, healthy people. And that’s a world we like to live in.